Verilog Code For Single Cycle Processor
PC VERILOG CODE module ProgramCounter ( input [4:0]d_in, input reset, clk, output reg [4:0] d_out ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset) d_out <= 5'b00000; else d_out <= d_in; endmodule AC VERILOG CODE module Accumulator (input [7:0] d_in, input load, clk, output reg [7:0] d_out ); always @(posedge clk) if (load) d_out <= d_in; initial d_out=8'h00; endmodule ALU VERILOG CODE module ALU ( input [7:0]a, input [7:0]b,input [2:0]opcode, output reg [7:0]alu_out ); always @(opcode,a,b) case(opcode) 3'b000:alu_out = a + b; 3'b001:alu_out = a - b; 3'b010:alu_out = a&b; 3'b011:alu_out = a|b; 3'b100:alu_out = ~b; 3'b101:alu_out = a^b; 3'b110:alu_out = a~^b; default:alu_out = 0; endcase endmodule ADDER VERILOG CODE module CounterIncrement ( input [4:0]a, input [4:0]b, output[4:0] adder_out ); assign adder_out = a + b; endmodule - MUX-1 VERILOG CODE module Mux2to1_6Bit ( input [4:0] i0, i1,input sel, output[4:0] mux_out ); assign mux_out = sel ? i1 : i0; endmodule MUX-2 VERILOG CODE module Mux2to1_8Bit ( input [7:0]i0,i1,input sel, output [7:0]mux_out ); assign mux_out =sel?i1:i0; endmodule CONTROLLER VERILOG CODE module Controller( input [2:0] opcode, output reg rd_mem,wr_mem,ac_src,ld_ac,pc_src,jmp_uncond); always @(opcode) begin rd_mem = 1'b0; wr_mem = 1'b0; ac_src = 1'b0; pc_src = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b0; jmp_uncond=1'b0; case (opcode) 3'b000: //load accumulator from memory begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0; end - 3'b001: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//SUBTRACT end 3'b010: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//AND end 3'b011: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//OR end 3'b100: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//NOT end 3'b101: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//XOR end 3'b110: begin rd_mem = 1'b1; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b1; ac_src = 1'b0;//XNOR end 3'b111: begin rd_mem = 1'b0; wr_mem = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b0; ac_src = 1'b0; pc_src=1'b1; jmp_uncond=1'b1;//JUMP end default: begin rd_mem = 1'b0; wr_mem = 1'b0; ac_src = 1'b0; pc_src = 1'b0; ld_ac = 1'b0; end endcase //end case end //end always endmodule DATA MEMORY VERILOG CODE module DataMemory ( input rd, wr, input [4:0] abus, input [7:0] in_dbus, output reg [7:0] out_dbus); reg [7:0] dm_array [0:31]; always @(rd,abus) begin if (rd) out_dbus = dm_array [abus]; end always @(wr,in_dbus) //always @(wr or abus or in_dbus) begin if (wr) dm_array [abus] = in_dbus; end - initial begin dm_array[0] = 8'h01; dm_array[1] = 8'h02; dm_array[2] = 8'h03; dm_array[3] = 8'h04; dm_array[4] = 8'h05; end endmodule INSTRUCTION MEMORY VERILOG CODE module InstructionMemory (input [4:0] abus, output reg [7:0] dbus); reg [7:0] im_array [0:12]; always @(abus) dbus = im_array [abus]; initial begin im_array[0]= 8'h00; // Initialize Accumulator with 0 and do addition with content of DataMemory at address 0. im_array[1]= 8'h21; // Subtract content of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 1. im_array[2]= 8'h42; // Logical AND of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 2. im_array[3]= 8'h63; // Logical OR of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 3. im_array[4]= 8'h84; // Logical NOT of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 4. im_array[5]= 8'hA4; // Logical XOR of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 4. im_array[6]= 8'hC4; // Logical XNOR of accumulator with content of DataMemory at address 4. im_array[7]= 8'hEA; // Unconditional Jump to 01010 address of Instruction memory. im_array[10]= 8'h00; // Addition with content of DataMemory at address 0. im_array[11]= 8'hE0; // Unconditional Jump to 00000 address of Instruction memory. end endmodule - DATAPATH MEMORY VERILOG CODE module DataPath ( input reset,ld_ac, ac_src, pc_src, clk, output [2:0] opcode, output [4:0] im_abus, input [7:0] im_dbus, output [4:0] dm_abus, output [7:0] dm_in_dbus, input [7:0] dm_out_dbus, output [7:0] ac_out,alu_out); //wire [7:0] ac_out,alu_out,mux2_out; wire [7:0]mux2_out; wire [4:0] pc_out, adder_out,mux1_out; ProgramCounter pc(.d_in(mux1_out),.reset(reset),.clk(clk),.d_out(pc_out)); //instantiation of all module CounterIncrement adder(.a(pc_out),.b(5'b00001),.adder_out(adder_out)); Mux2to1_6Bit mux1(.i0(adder_out),.i1(im_dbus[4:0]),.sel(pc_src),.mux_out(mux1_out)); Accumulator ac(.d_in(mux2_out),.load(ld_ac),.clk(clk),.d_out(ac_out)); ALU alu(.a(ac_out),.b(dm_out_dbus),.opcode(opcode),.alu_out(alu_out)); Mux2to1_8Bit mux2(.i0(alu_out),.i1(dm_out_dbus),.sel(ac_src),.mux_out(mux2_out)); assign im_abus = pc_out; //assign im_abus = 6'b000000; assign opcode = im_dbus [7:5]; assign dm_abus = im_dbus [4:0]; //abus for DataMemory. assign dm_in_dbus=ac_out; endmodule SMPL. CPU MEMORY VERILOG CODE module CPU( //The CPU input clk,reset, output rd_mem,wr_mem, output [4:0] im_abus, input [7:0] im_dbus, output [4:0] dm_abus, output [7:0] dm_in_dbus, input [7:0] dm_out_dbus, output [7:0] ac_out,alu_out, output [2:0] opcode); //wire [2:0] opcode; - wire ac_src,ld_ac, pc_src,jmp_uncond; DataPath dpu (.reset(reset),.ld_ac(ld_ac),.ac_src(ac_src),.pc_src(pc_src),.clk(clk),.opcode(opcode) ,.im_abus(im_abus),.im_dbus(im_dbus),.dm_abus(dm_abus),.dm_in_dbus(dm_in_dbus),.dm _out_dbus(dm_out_dbus),.ac_out(ac_out),.alu_out(alu_out));//dj Controller cu (.opcode(opcode),.rd_mem(rd_mem),.wr_mem(wr_mem),.ac_src(ac_src),.ld_ac(ld_ac), .pc_src(pc_src),.jmp_uncond(jmp_uncond)); endmodule TEST BENCH SMPL. CPU MEMORY VERILOG CODE module testBench; reg clk; reg reset; wire [7:0] im_dbus; wire [7:0] dm_out_dbus; wire rd_mem; wire wr_mem; wire [4:0] im_abus; wire [4:0] dm_abus; wire [7:0] dm_in_dbus; wire [7:0] ac_out,alu_out; wire [2:0] opcode; CPU uut ( .clk(clk),.reset(reset),.rd_mem(rd_mem),.wr_mem(wr_mem), .im_abus(im_abus),.im_dbus(im_dbus),.dm_abus(dm_abus), .dm_in_dbus(dm_in_dbus),.dm_out_dbus(dm_out_dbus),.ac_out(ac_out),.alu_out(alu _out),.opcode(opcode)); InstructionMemory IM (.abus(im_abus),.dbus(im_dbus)); - DataMemory DM (.rd(rd_mem),.wr(wr_mem),.abus(dm_abus),.in_dbus(dm_in_dbus),.out_dbus(dm_out_dbus) ); initial begin clk = 0; reset = 1;//im_dbus =8'hxx;dm_out_dbus = 8'b00000000; #20 reset = 1'b0; #500 $finish; end always #10 clk = ~clk; Endmodule
Data memory :
Location 00 01 02 03 04
Data 01 02 03 04 05
Instruction memory :
Location 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Instruction 00 21 42 63 84 A4 C4 EA 00 E0
(* operation with accumulator with location in last 5 bit)
Ans (in acc in hex) 00 01 FF 03 07 FA FF 05 06 07
Can you build a similar 8 bit processor for me according to my Specifications?
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ReplyDeleteCan you help me with a similar 8 bit processor? How can I contact you?
ReplyDeletecan anyone help me to create simple 8bit microprocessor?