hello friends....
after a long time i came to u with some usefull verilog code with test bench.every time i came across some besic verilog code which frequently asked in colleges,company etc...so decided to provide u all verilog code with test bench .i used for cver tool for compile and run code in ubuntu system.
cver tool is a software for compile and run verilog code in ubuntu..u can also generate waveform file in gtkwave tool.
JK FLIPFLOP module jkff(jk,pst,clr,clk,qp,qbar); input [1:0] jk; input pst,clr,clk; output qp,qbar; reg qp; wire q; always @ (posedge clk) if (pst) qp= 1; else begin if (clr) qp= 0; else begin case (jk) 2'b00: qp=q; 2'b01 : qp = 1'b0; 2'b10 : qp =1'b1; 2'b11 : qp = ~q; default qp =0; endcase end end assign qbar = ~q; assign q = qp; endmodule TESTBENCH module jkff_tb; reg [1:0]jk; reg pst,clr,clk; wire qp,qbar,q; jkff j1(jk,pst,clr,clk,qp,qbar); initial begin $monitor($time, ,,"t=%b",clk,,"p=%b",pst,,"c=%b",clr,,"j=%b",jk,,"q=%b",qp, ,"z=%b",qbar); pst=0; clr=0; clk=0; #5 jk=2'b00; #5 jk=2'b00;pst=1; #5 jk=2'b10;pst=0;clr=1; #5 jk=2'b00;clr=0; #5 jk=2'b01;clr=0; #5 jk=2'b10;clr=0; #5 jk=2'b11;clr=0; #10 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT T FLIPFLOP
module tff_qn(t, clk, reset, q,qn); input t, reset, clk; output q,qn; reg q,qn; always @( posedge clk or reset) if (reset) q<=1'b0; else q<=q^t; always @(q) qn<=~q; endmodule TESTBENCH module tff_qn_tb; reg t, reset, clk; wire q,qn; tff_qn m1(t,clk,reset,q,qn); initial begin t=0;reset=0;clk=1; $monitor($time, ,,"c=%b",clk,,"r=%b",reset,,"t=%b",t,,"q=%b",q); #5 t=1;reset=0; #15 t=1;reset=0; #25 t=0;reset=1; #35 t=1;reset=0; #30 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT D FLIPFLOP module dff(d,clk,q,qbar); input d; input clk; output q,qbar; reg q, qbar; always @ (posedge clk) begin q = d; qbar = ~d; end endmodule TESTBENCH module dff_tb; reg d,clk; wire q,qbar; dff m1(d,clk,q,qbar); initial begin d=0;clk=1; $monitor($time, ,,"c=%b",clk,,"d=%b",d,,"q=%b",q,,"z=%b",qbar); #5 d=0; #5 d=1; #5 d=0; #5 d=1; #15 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT · UNIVERSAL SHIFT REGISTER module sreg(data,rin,lin, s,q,clock, reset); input clock,reset, rin, lin; input [1:0] s; input [3:0] data; output [3:0] q; reg [3:0] q; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) q<=4'b0000; else begin case(s) 2'b00: q<=q; 2'b01: q<={rin,q[3:1]}; 2'b10: q<={q[2:0],lin}; 2'b11: q<=data; default: q<=4'b0000; endcase end end endmodule TESTBENCH module sreg_tb; reg clock,reset, rin, lin; reg[1:0] s; reg [3:0] data; wire [3:0] q; sreg m1(data,rin,lin, s,q,clock, reset); initial begin clock=0;reset=0;s=0;rin=0;lin=0;data=4'b0000; $monitor($time, ,,"c=%b",clock,,"e=%b",reset,,"s=%b",s,,"r=%b",rin,,"l=%b",lin,,"d=%b",data,,"q=%b",q); #0 reset=1;s=0;rin=0;lin=0;data=4'b1010; #5 reset=0;s=2'b11;rin=0;lin=0;data=4'b1010; #10 reset=0;s=2'b01;rin=1;lin=0;data=4'b1010; #15 reset=0;s=2'b10;rin=0;lin=1;data=4'b1010; #30 $finish; end always begin #5 clock=~clock; end endmodule OUTPUT · 4-BIT UNIVERSAL(UP-DOWN) COUNTER //universal counter includes up & down counter module universal (input clk,rst,up_down, output reg [3:0] q); always@(posedge clk,negedge rst) begin if(!rst) q<=4'b0000; else if(up_down) q<=q+1; else q<=q-1; end endmodule TESTBENCH module universal_tb; reg clk,rst,up_down; wire [3:0]q; universal u1(clk,rst,up_down,q); initial begin rst = 0; up_down = 1; clk=1; $monitor($time,,,"c=%b",clk,,"u=%b",up_down,,"r=%b",rst,,"q=%b",q); #5 rst =1; #60 up_down=0; #100 $finish; end always begin #5 clk =~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT · BINARY TO BCD CONVERTER module binary2bcd (input[3:0] binary, output reg[7:0]bcd); always@(binary) begin bcd=4'b00000000; if((binary[3]==1&&(binary[2]==1||binary[1]==1))) begin bcd=binary-4'b1010; bcd[4]=1; end else if(((binary[3]==1||binary[3]==0)&&binary[2]==0&&binary[1]==0)) begin bcd[3]=binary[3];bcd[2]=binary[2];bcd[1]=binary[1];bcd[0]=binary[0]; end else if(binary[3]==0) begin bcd[3]=binary[3];bcd[2]=binary[2];bcd[1]=binary[1];bcd[0]=binary[0]; end else ; end endmodule TESTBENCH module binary2bcd_tb; reg[3:0]binary; wire[7:0]bcd; binary2bcd b2b(binary,bcd); initial begin binary=4'b0000; $monitor($time, ,"bin ", ,binary[3],binary[2],binary[1],binary[0], ,"bcd", ,bcd[7],bcd[6],bcd[5],bcd[4], ,bcd[3],bcd[2],bcd[1],bcd[0]); while(binary!=4'b1111) #1 binary=binary+1; end endmodule OUTPUT · 4 BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARETOR
module magnitudeComparator( input [3:0]A,B, output reg equal,greater,lesser); reg [3:0]x; always@(A,B) begin x=A~^B; equal=x[3]&x[2]&x[1]&x[0]; greater=(A[3]&(~B[3]))|(x[3]&A[2]&(~B[2]))|(x[3]&x[2]&A[1]&~B[1])|(x[3]&x[2]&x[1]&A[0]&~B[0]); lesser=(~A[3]&B[3])|(x[3]&~A[2]&B[2])|(x[3]&x[2]&~A[1]&B[1])|(x[3]&x[2]&x[1]&~A[0]&B[0]); end endmodule TESTBENCH module magnitudeComparator_tb; reg [3:0]A,B; wire equal,greater,lesser; magnitudeComparator mc(A,B,equal,greater,lesser); initial begin A=4'b1111;B=4'b1111; $monitor($time, ,"A=%b",A,"(",A,")", ,"B=%b",B,"(",B,")", ,"A==B", ,equal, ,"A>B", ,greater, ,"A<B", ,lesser); #1 A=4'b1110; #1 B=4'b1101; end endmodule OUTPUT RING COUNTER module ring_count(q,clk,clr); input clk,clr; output [3:0]q; reg [3:0]q; always @(posedge clk) if(clr==1) q<=4'b1000; else begin q[3]<=q[0]; q[2]<=q[3]; q[1]<=q[2]; q[0]<=q[1]; end endmodule TESTBENCH module ring_count_tb; reg clk,clr; wire [3:0]q; ring_count m1(q,clk,clr); initial begin $monitor($time, ,,"t=%b",clk,,"c=%b",clr,,"q=%b",q); clr=1'b0;clk=1'b0; #50 clr=1'b1; #100 clr=1'b0; #500 $finish; end always begin #50 clk=~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT JOHNSON COUNTER module jc(clk, state); input clk; output [3:0] state; reg [3:0] state; initial state <= 0; always@(posedge clk) begin case (state) 4'b0000: state <= 4'b1000; 4'b1000: state <= 4'b1100; 4'b1100: state <= 4'b1110; 4'b1110: state <= 4'b1111; 4'b1111: state <= 4'b0111; 4'b0111: state <= 4'b0011; 4'b0011: state <= 4'b0001; 4'b0001: state <= 4'b0000; endcase end endmodule TESTBENCH module jc_tb; reg clk; wire [3:0]state; jc m1(clk,state); initial begin $monitor($time, ,,"t=%b",clk,,"s=%b",state); clk=1'b1; #90 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule · MULTIPLIER module multiplier(input [7:0]a,b, output reg[15:0]c ); always@(a,b) begin if((a==8'b0)||(b==8'b0)) c=16'b0; else c=a*b; end endmodule TESTBENCH module multiplier_tb; reg [7:0]a,b; wire [15:0]c; multiplier mlt(a,b,c) ; initial begin a=8'b00000000; b=8'b00000000; $monitor($time, ,"a=%b",a, ,"(",a,")", ,"b=%b",b, ,"(",b,")", ,"c=%b",c, ,"(",c,")" ); #1 a=8'b00001010; #1 b=8'b00001010; #1 b=8'b10001010; #1 a=8'b11111111; #1 b=8'b11111111; end endmodule OUTPUT · DEVIDER module divider(input [7:0]a,b, output reg[7:0]q,r ); always@(a,b) begin if(b==8'b0) ; else q=a/b; r=a%b; end endmodule Testbench: module divider_tb; reg [7:0]a,b; wire [7:0]q,r; divider div(a,b,q,r) ; initial begin a=8'b00000000; b=8'b00001010; $monitor($time, ,"num=", ,"%b",a, ,"(",a,")", ,"den=", ,"%b",b, ,"(",b,")", ,"quo=", ,"%b",q, ,"(",q,")", ,"rem=", ,"%b",r, ,"(",r,")" ); #1 a=8'b00001010; #1 b=8'b00001010; #1 b=8'b10001010; #1 a=8'b11111111; #1 b=8'b11111111; end endmodule OUTPUT · COUNTER INCREMENT BY 2 module counter2(r,clk,y); input r,clk; output [3:0]y; reg [3:0]y; always@(posedge clk or posedge r) begin if (r) y <= 4'b0000; else y <= y + 2; end endmodule TESTBENCH module counter3_tb; reg r,clk; wire [3:0]y; counter2 m1(r,clk,y); initial begin clk=0; r=0; $monitor($time, ,,"c=%b",clk,,"r=%b",r,,"y=%b",y); #5 r=1; #15 r=0; #50 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule OUTPUT · COUNTER INCREMENT BY 3 module counter2(r,clk,y); input r,clk; output [3:0]y; reg [3:0]y; always@(posedge clk or posedge r) begin if (r) y <= 4'b0000; else y <= y + 3; end endmodule TESTBENCH module counter3_tb; reg r,clk; wire [3:0]y; counter2 m1(r,clk,y); initial begin clk=0; r=0; $monitor($time, ,,"c=%b",clk,,"r=%b",r,,"y=%b",y); #5 r=1; #15 r=0; #50 $finish; end always begin #5 clk=~clk; end endmodule MASTERSLAVE JK FLIPFLOP USING STRUCTURAL MODELING module msjk (input wire j,k,clk,rst,prst, output wire q); jkff jk1(.j(j),.k(k),.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.prst(prst),.q(w)); jkff jk2(.j(w),.k(~w),.clk(~clk),.rst(rst),.prst(prst),.q(q)); endmodule TESTBENCH module jkff (input wire j,k,clk,rst,prst, output reg q); always@(posedge clk,negedge rst,posedge prst) begin if(~rst) q<=0; else if(prst) q<=1; else if(clk) q<=((j&~q)+(~k&q)); else if(~clk) q<=q; else ; end endmodule
there are mistakes in some of the codes dear
ReplyDeleteCould you help me in Verilog 8 bit binary to gray and vice versa with wave simulation